Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Book Report, 9.4.12

Well, I got everything read last week except for...

Thor: The Mighty Avenger, Vol. 2 by Roger Langridge, Chris Samnee, and Matt Wilson
Yep.  Let's try this again.

Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare
The Shadowhunter world is like Maximum Ride - a literary trainwreck.  It's horrible to behold (is there any other more selfish love interest than Will Herondale?) but you can't stop watching (Jem, seriously, snap out of it and propose to Sophie before I start writing fanfic of her bashing in Tessa's wishy-washy head with the mirror).

Worldshaker by Richard Harland
Again, no idea what this one's about.  Just picked it up at a BAM sale.  We shall see.

Flora Segunda by Ysabeau S. Wilce
...Would you believe I don't know what this one is about either?  Something about a room with lots of houses, I think.  It's one of my cousin's favorites, anyway.  And Diana Wynne Jones endorsed it!  I think I'll have fun.

Henry IV, Part One by William Shakespeare
Slowly but surely making my way down the Shakespeare list.

Ragnarok: The End of the Gods by A.S. Byatt
Just another little something to appease my Norse addiction.  Apparently a rewrite of Ragnarok.  Obviously.

Pandora Hearts, Vol. 7 by Jun Mochizuki
Aaaaugh this manga's getting goooood.  I still don't understand half of it but it's sooo goooood.  (And the art.  My gosh, the art.)

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