Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Book Report, 8.28.12

So I figured I'd do a blogpost every Tuesday, when I get my week's reading stack together.  Because I like to rant about the books I'm reading and stuff.

No, I really don't need a reason, do I?

Hope Was Here by Joan Bauer
Dunno what it's about.  My best friend on OYAN suggested it and here it is.  It doesn't sound like my type of book so this goes to show how much I value her opinion. XD

The Eye of the Warlock by P.W. Catanese
One of Catanese's Further Tales, I think about... Hansel and Gretel.  Yeah, them.  Should be awesome. Catanese always is.

The Homeward Bounders by Diana Wynne Jones
Again, I don't really need to know what it's about (and I don't).  It's just Jones.  And thus it'll be amazing.

Thor: The Mighty Avenger, Vol 2 by Roger Langridge, Chris Samnee, and Matt Wilson
I'm still not totally clear on where all these comics originate, but what the heck.  I've never claimed to be a comic book aficionado.  Thor's hilarious and oddly cute sometimes and it's just fun stuff.

(Loki's first appearance, and I mean the first appearance, back in the 60s-70s?  When the nurse woman says "Ooooh, he's so dashing and romantic" while Loki's wearing something that Aquaman would never touch?  Eheheheheheheh.  You think Loki's new helmet is cheesy.)

Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe
My classic for the week.  I've read bits of it for BritLit and was fascinated.  I've had it for a while, though.  I can't wait to get through it all finally.

Pandora Hearts, Vol. 6 by Jun Mochizuki
Augh, finally I get around to it!  This is an epic manga and the plot keeps getting twistier and the characters keep getting deeper.

Sapphique by Catherine Fisher
Saving this one for last because it's the one I'm most pumped for.  Aaaaaugh, Incarceron was even better the second time around and I can't wait to read this one because I hear it's even better.  SQUEE.

1 comment:

  1. I keep meaning to read Hope Was Here...I read one of Bauer's other books though. Close to Famous I think. It was cute. The writing was good at least. =P

